Accredited IT Company


software, websites, and computer games


An integrated approach to the development and implementation of software and digital technologies

Open source solutions

Development of complex, highly loaded software, software and hardware complexes capable of effectively solving managerial and production tasks of organizations.

1C development

Development and implementation of standard and non-standard configurations based on the 1C platform, including within the framework of import substitution programs. We provide integration with the necessary amount of software included in the corporate landscape. We provide warranty support for system users.

Web development

Implementation of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 projects. Development of cross-platform, cross-browser, multilingual websites, portals of any complexity and functional purpose. Development of a unique online image for organizations and products.

Game development

Computer games are not only entertainment, they become an effective tool for brand development and company positioning. The introduction of gamification into complex organizational processes increases the productivity and efficiency of employees.

Our Products
